Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Eating nutritious is important - Becoming a Dad

This is the story of how I found out I was going to be a dad.

I was downstairs cooking some dinner, sauteing some onions. My wife was upstairs getting changed or doing whatever.  I had just added some peppers when I heard a scream from my wife, "James, get up here! There's a really big bug!"  I grab a glass to capture the little critter and dash up to the second story. (I don't like to kill if I can avoid it).

I get to the bedroom and I find my wife standing there with a little stick. This wasn't one of the one line means not pregnant, two means pregnant sort of tests where you need to look at the box. It was a dummy proof little screen that said "pregnant" or "not pregnant." And this one said the former.

I gave my wife a big hug, told her I loved her, and did what any reasonable man would do at this moment - went right back downstairs to cook. I was a dad now! I had to cook my wife and baby a tasty, nutritious meal! That was my mindset.

Some people say that women become parents on day one or at some point in the pregnancy, while for dads the parent switch doesn't click until some point after the baby is born.  For me it was right in that moment.  A simple 8 letter word on a stick made me a dad.

There are a number milestone moments during pregnancy that might cause the trigger. The first ultrasound, hearing your baby's heartbeat on the monitor, or finding out the gender. Whatever it might be, try not to freak out.

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